In today’s era, many individuals know about Augmented Reality. Most of them think it as an exotic and abstract innovation. Augmented reality is more than interactive displays, virtual 3D models, and animated holograms etc. It is still growing and many of the organizations are operating to develop it. It is actually an innovation which extends our physical world by adding a layer of digital data on it.
What are the types of augmented reality?
It appears as the direct view of the environment which is present. It adds videos, sounds, and graphics etc. The perspective of real-world environment is totally changed with the augmented reality with superbly imposed generated images of computer. This reality is mostly used in military and television. The physical things are fused together in the real time as applications which influences our social life, entertainment, and social life etc. The application of augmented reality joins the digital animation to the special marker using GPS in locating the certain area. It is occurring in the real time and environment context. Let’s discuss about various types of augmented reality.
Market based AR
It is also called as picture recognition as it needs unique camera and visual object for scanning it. It might be any kind of thing from a specials signs to printed QR code. The device of AR also calculates the market orientation and position to locate the information in some of the cases. Thus, the AR which is market-based initiates the animations for the people to see the images in a magazine as the models of 3D.
Projection dependent AR
The synthetic light is projected on the physical surfaces. In some of the cases, you communicated with it. These are types of holograms that many of us saw in cinemas like in star wars. It monitors the interaction of user with a projection by altering them. This tech has been popping up in social media apps and even dating apps. In fact the adult dating app MeetnFuck released a beta version of their AR dating feature on their site in early 2020 and garnered a lot of attention and acclaim from dating app users. It will be interesting to see this tech used in consumer products and services as it continues to evolve.
Super imposition dependent AR

It substitutes the actual view with an augmentation in a full or partial way. The recognition of the object plays a main part without the entire concept seems to look that it is not possible. The IKEA catalogue application shows you the super imposed augmented reality which enables the user to put the virtual products of catalogue of furniture in the specific rooms of a house. The other AR sensation that utilized this was the mobile game Pokemon Go!
Marker less Augmented Reality
It is also referred as position or location based augmented reality which uses GPS, gyroscope, and a compass. Sometimes an accelerometer is used to offer users area depending on the data. This will identify the content of AR of a particular location or position of the user. As nowadays, the era is now smartphones which creates directions and maps. It also provides information of nearby business. The applications involve the information and events, ads of business, and navigation support.
Thus, many of the devices utilize the augmented reality like smartphones, AR contact lenses, AR glasses, unique AR tools, and virtual retinal displays etc. It is used in retail industry, medicine, military, tourism, and art etc. so this is what an augmented reality offers to an individual and to the world.…